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RBU Journal of Library & Information Science

ISSN No: 0972-2750

This Journal is qualified in UGC-CARE List Group D as per the analysis protocols as of 2019

UGC approved Journal List Sl. No. 2023 and journal No. 45237 as on 2017


The Print copy of V-24 is now available

Pre print e-copy has been published  || Print copy underprocess





Author's Guide



About the Journal


The RBU Journal of Library & Information science is a scholarly communication for education, research and development of the Library & Information science field. It is published annually. The first volume was published in 1997. It received ISSN (0972-2750) in the 5th volume in the year 2001. From 17th Volume published in the year 2015, the journal becomes peer-reviewed by eminent experts across the country. This journal WAS enlisted by UGC approved List of Journal in 2017, With Serial No. 351 and Journal NO. 45237.

Since 2019, this Journal Qualified as per analysis protocol as Group D Journal and listed under UGC CARE approved list of Journals.

Professor Pinakinath Mukhopadhyay was the Editor of Vol-1 to Vol 11

Shri Salil Chandra Khan was the Editor of Vol 12 to Vol. 14

Dr. Sudip Ranjan Hatua is the Editor since Vol 15 to Vol 25

Other Information:

Nature of Publication:     Only Hard Copy (Online full text will be available soon)

​Frequency                  :      Yearly

​Present Editor           :      Dr. Sudip Ranjan Hatua, Associate Professor, Department                

                                           of Library & Information Science, Rabindra Bharati University,


​Present Editorial Board (Vol 25)

  • Justice Subhro Kamal Mukherjee, Former Chief Justice, High Court of Karnataka, Presently Acting Vice-Chancellor,  Rabindra Bharati University;

  • Professor Swati Ghosh, Professor, Department of Economics & DEAN, Faculty of Arts Rabindra Bharati University; email:

  • Dr. Ziaur Rahman, Assistant Professor, and HOS, Department of Library and Information Science, Rabindra Bharati Univerisity; email:

  • Dr. Snigdha Naskar, Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Rabindra Bharati University; email:

​​Submission and Publication Charges:

​The Journal claims absolutely  NO PROCESSING FEES  at any level as it is fully funded by   Rabindra Bharati University.               

​Publication Policy

Selection Criteria

Articles strictly concern with Library & Information Science and its allied domain are invited through the wide circulation of notification using print and online media and social media across the country generally in the month of July every year. A board of editors in different disciplines selects few suitable articles based on various criteria, such as subject depth, type of work, the methodology followed by the authors, citation and reference standards etc. Selected articles then send to various peers across the country by using a blind peer review process for quality judgment.  If reviewers recommend then we select the articles for publication.

The Reviewing Process

All selected manuscripts are subjected to peer-review by independent reviewers. Peer reviews are done by a double-blinding method where both the author and reviewer are unaware of each other. Final decision of accepting the article rests with the editor.

Final Selection

Verifying the Reviewer’s comment, finally, the editorial board will take the decision to publish the paper. As there is limited space once the paper selected may publish in the next volume subject to the availability of space.

The author will be informed if the paper is not selected for publication with the reviewer’s comments.

Submission Process

All manuscripts must be submitted in MS-Word format through e-mail in the following

email address-

After the final selection of the article, the author has to send the corrected soft copy (through e-mail) with two hard copies (one side print) along with CD to the following address along with a DECLARATION stating its originality and not anywhere send for publication before.

Publishing Ethics

The publication of an article in this journal is a direct reflection of the author’s nascent micro thought of the subject domain. Therefore it is expected that quality of standard should maintain by the authors and the affiliated institutions that support them.

With the quality of thought, literature, the language it is very important and expected to agree upon standards of ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer, the publisher.

Being our limited capacity we try our best to maintain the above-mentioned ethics before publishing any article in our Journal. We strongly try to avoid copyright violation, plagiarism and asked a declaration in this matter from our authors. We strongly follow and find the proper citation and acknowledgment in the manuscript if found cite any part of the articles.


No processing fees in any steps of the publication in RBU Journal of Library & Information Science have been charged from the Authors. All costs will be born by the Rabindra Bharati University.

We also follow a blind peer review process from very respected and learned professionals who have knowledge in the specific domain all over India. 


For authors

Authors should refrain from misrepresenting research results which could damage the trust in the journal.

  • The manuscript should not be submitted to more than one journals at a time;

  • The manuscript should not be published previously (partly or in full);

  • No data or text  by others are presented  by the author as it’s own (‘plagiarism’);

  • Proper acknowledgments to other works must be given;

  • From all co-authors, as well as from the responsible authorities the proper consent should be received and submit along with manuscript;


For Editor

As an editor, we try to accept and maintain a high-quality research paper. We never bias with gender, religion, designation or affiliation.

Never disclose the identity of the author while sending the manuscript to peers for reviewing.

For Reviewer

Requested to examine thoroughly and help us to maintain the quality and standard of the paper;

Maintain the confidentiality of any information related to the paper;



Where to Send your Article?



Head (Editor)

Department. of Library and Information Science

Rabindra Bharati University

56A, B.T.Road




Author’s Guide

How to Send an Article?

Submission Guidelines

The RBU Journal of Library and Information Science publishes original research findings, review articles, practice outcome and survey results, integrate and critically examine new information accumulated in recent years in a particular subject field and specifically the following categories in order to cater to the diverse needs of its readership.

1. Research papers may describe completed research efforts with results, analyses and implications to practitioners, and should not exceed 15-20 pages in length.

2. Practice papers may describe new industry practices, tools, and methodologies, with emphasis on practical issues, problems and solutions, and should not exceed 10-15 pages in length. Papers may also discuss the relevance of theory to practice and applications.

3. Current Trends papers will reflect new or current trends, thinking, perspectives and opinions in research and practice, and should not exceed 8-12 pages in length.

4. Review papers should give a critical and analytical perspective of related books, publications, methodologies, practices, tools or systems, and should not exceed 5-6 pages in length.


Minimum standards for considering the submitted manuscripts for peer-reviewing Papers must be written in the English Language. Text files should be prepared in MS Word format double line space.

Page setup: Page size A4, orientation portrait; Margins: mirror margins, top 3 cm, bottom 2 cm, inside 2.5 cm, outside 2 cm, gutter 0.5 cm;

Layout: header 1.7 cm (different odd and even), footer 1 cm, section start continuous, page alignment top; Font - Times New Roman, 12 points. First Heading -14 bold Times New Roman Second subheading -12 bold Times New Roman, Each next subheading- 12 italics Times New Roman

Preparation of the manuscript:

All original research articles should be structured in the following manner.

• Title: The title should be concise and reflect the entire work of the submitted manuscript. (Written

in 14pt bold Times New Roman font size)

• Names of all authors need to be indicated below the title (Written in 12 bold Times New

Roman font size)

• More than one author should display side by side with a tab space (5)

• Department/Affiliation: bellow of each author, 10pt Times New Roman, centered University/Institution: 10pt Times New Roman, centered

Address: 10pt Times New Roman, centered

Email: account@xxxxxx.xx (10pt Times New Roman, centered)



Abstracts should clearly state and represent in the following format


Purpose-1-2 lines

Research problem-1-2 lines

Objective-1-2 lines

Methodology-1-2 lines

Findings-2-3 lines

and NOT more than 500 words. (Written in 12pt italics Times New Roman font size)


The author should provide 3 to 6 keywords, characterizing the scope of the paper, the main plant material used and the central aspect of the work. Keywords should be presented below the (Written in 10pt bold Times New Roman font size) Layout of the article should follow the minimum following pattern-

• Introduction: State the background and mention clearly the objective of the present work.

• Literature Review – minimum last ten years

• Problem Identification- Research question and draw hypothesis

• Methodology-All methods used should be clearly mentioned

• Data collection and analysis- How and which method followed? How it has been analyzed?

• Findings- What specific findings have occurred?

• Conclusion - Give the major conclusion from the present study.

Acknowledgment - Acknowledge those persons who helped you in the present study by providing facilities, personal assistance and funding if any.


In-text Citation


The in-text citation is mandatory. One can follow APA style only using the surname (year) approach


For using Table Chart and Diagram


For each table text or data should use Arial font in 8 sizes. If a data table is good enough to represent the concept of unnecessary pie, bar or any other diagram need not be used. The caption of the table should be placed under the table in the center using Table- No: title format with Arial 9 font italics.

For chart use the same pattern and use Chart- No: tile; and for figure user Figure- No. : title of the figure.



References & Footnotes

References to already published literature should be followed APA style i.e. SURNAME (YEAR).. Please adopt correct referencing methods. Papers with incorrect referencing and in-text citations are likely to be rejected.

The citations should be placed at the end of the paper in the sequence as ALPHABETICAL ORDER. References to personal communication and unpublished literature should not be placed under references but should be cited in the text in SQUARE BRACKET. Explanatory material should be given in the appendix. Examples of citations to different types of documents are given below:

(i) Journal Article

1. Gosh, B.K. (2004) Knowledge management policy options. RBU Journal of Library and

Information Science. 41(3): 145–150.

2. Neelameghan, A. & Gopinath, M. A. (1967). Research in library classification. Library

Science with a Slant to Documentation. 4(2): 356–38

(ii) Book/Monograph

1. Ranganathan, S R. (1957) The Five Laws of Library Science. 2nd ed. Mumbai: Asia Publishing House, 456p.

(iii) A chapter from a Book

1. Neelameghan, A. & Raghavan, K.S. (2012). Frames of knowledge: a perspective of Vedic-Hinduism and Dravidian culture. In: Cultural frames of knowledge, edited by Richard, P Smiraglia & Hur-li Lee. Wurzburg, Germany, 2012, 19–61.

(iv) Conference Paper

1. Raghavan, K.S. & Neelameghan, A. Indic cultures and concepts: Implications for knowledge organization. In 12th International ISKO Conference, 6–9 August 2012, Mysore, India, edited by A. Neelameghan & K.S. Raghavan, 2012, pp. 176–182.

(v) Conference paper (online)

Cannan, J. (2008). Using practice-based learning at a dual-sector tertiary institution: A discussion of current practice. In R. K. Coll, & K. Hoskyn (Eds.), Working together: Putting the cooperative into cooperative education. Conference proceedings of the New Zealand Association for Cooperative Education, New Plymouth, New Zealand. Retrieved from

(v) Report

1. Birchler, John; Smith, Giles; Kent, Gleen A. & Johnson, Robert V. (2000) An acquisition strategy, process, and organization for innovative systems. National Defence Research Institute, RAND, USA, 2000. RAND-MR-1098-0SD.

2. Lindsay, R.S. (1999) Tests of level B suits-protection against chemical and biological warfare agents and simulants: Executive summary. Edgewood Chemical Biological Centre, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. July 1999. 14 p. AD-A3 68228; ECBC-TR-047.


Serial/journal article (online from a database – e.g. EBSCO) Marshall, M., Carter, B., Rose, K., & Brotherton, A. (2009). Living with type 1 diabetes: Perceptions of children and their parents. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18(12), 1703-1710. Retrieved from

(vii) Internet – no author, no date

Pet therapy. (n.d.). Retrieved from

(viii) Blog post

Liz and Ellory. (2011, January 19). The day of dread(s) [Blog post]. Retrieved from

(ix) Newspaper article

Matthews, L. (2011, November 23). Foodbanks urge the public to give generously. Manawatu Standard, p. 4.

(x) Newspaper (online)

Rogers, C. (2011, November 26). The smartphone could replace wallets. The Dominion Post

. Retrieved from

(xi) Thesis (print)

Smith, T. L. (2008). Change, choice and difference: The case of RN to BN degree programmes for registered nurses (Master’s thesis). Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand.

(xii)Thesis (online)

Mann, D. L. (2010). Vision and expertise for interceptive actions in sport (Doctoral dissertation, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia). Retrieved from

(xiii) Wikis (including Wikipedia)

Moodle. (2011). Retrieved November 28, 2011, from Wikipedia:



All manuscripts must be submitted in MS-Office (.doc) format through e-mail in the following


email address-

After the final selection of the article, the author has to send the corrected soft copy (through e-mail) with two hard copies (one side print) along with CD to the following address along with a DECLARATION stating its originality and not anywhere send for publication before.



Head (Editor)

Department. of Library and Information Science

Rabindra Bharati University

56A, B.T.Road







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